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What is Ashwagandha?
9/7/20241 min read

Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used for over 4,000 years. It supports the body’s ability to adapt to physical, emotional, and biological stressors by bringing homeostasis to the body and mind without stimulating or sedating. It is safe for all ages.
Ashwagandha’s clinically proven benefits were proved with a 12-week double-blind placebo trial taking 300mg twice daily:
· Increases cardiorespiratory endurance- showed improvement in max oxygen consumption.
· Increase muscle strength -at 8 weeks a 52% increase in muscle strength for bench press and leg extension exercise.
· Muscle Mass- clinically proven increase in muscle mass after 56 days.
· Recovery
· Stress resistance-decreased 27.9% serum cortisol level (stress hormone) after 60 days
· Cognitive focus, attention, and information process speed- After the 8-week trial improved executive function and processing speed.
· Helps reduce stress-related food cravings
· Enhances quality of sleep
· Decreases menopause symptoms by increasing sexual arousal, lubrication, and orgasm and decreases hot flashes.
· Thyroid protection by normalizing thyroid indices in patients with hypothyroidism