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Liposomal Multivitamins
What are liposomal multivitamins and why are they important?
8/3/20242 min read
Hydrophilic Vitamins dissolve in water and are easily absorbed by the body, but are not stable in water and degrade within minutes.
Lipophilic Vitamins dissolve in oil or fat, but are not absorbed by the body well.
Solution: Liposomal Nano-Encapsulation of Vitamins.
Liposomes are made up of a water-soluble core and an oil-soluble shell. The core contains the water-soluble vitamins and the shell contains the lipid/oil/fat-soluble vitamins.
Oil and Water don’t mix. They form a distinct layer of separation: However, Liposomes can mix oil and water.
Most of the organs inside a human body are composed of water, therefore, the human body readily absorbs water-soluble molecules, but not oil-soluble molecules.
Water and water-soluble ingredients take minutes to absorb into the blood, but oil-soluble molecules take hours and sometimes days. Intestinal lining is composed of the same molecules as the Liposomes, so Liposomes easily penetrate the membrane and deliver the vitamins into the bloodstream. This means that Liposomes increase the absorption of oil, fat, and lipid molecules.
Lipid Absorption increases from 5% to 50%-100% depending on the size of the Liposomes.
The daily recommended Dose of Vitamin A is: 0.9mg, however since only 5% of it absorbs into the blood, 95% of it gets excreted, so out of 0.9mg of ingested Vitamin A only about 0.05mg of it absorbs into the blood, which is not enough. Liposomal Vitamin A allows for maximum absorption of all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
The daily recommended Dose of Vitamin C is: 90mg and since it is water soluble, if 90mg is ingested, all of it goes into the blood. To boost the immune system, more Vitamin C is needed, which is why it is recommended to ingest 1000mg of Vitamin C and products with 1000mg of Vitamin C are available over the counter (OTC). However, the problem is that Vitamin C is unique, the body only absorbs 90mg-100mg of it no matter how much you ingest. Liposomes help to overcome this issue since Vitamin C is delivered through the intestinal wall inside the core of the Liposomes.